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I often told myself I cannot be normal because from books, videos and even homework, I never felt represented. Whilst there have been many advances for gender and sexual orientation protections in law in the UK (Equality Act 2010), it still feels that there is a long way to go to not feel like 'the other'.ĭuring my experience of the education system in England – including primary, secondary, 6th form college and university – there was never any LGBTQI+ representation in my course materials. Why? As a cis gay man, I have always been aware of prejudices that (still) exist in UK society. When I was 14, I had a girlfriend, even though I knew I was attracted to men at the age of 7/8 years old. In our latest research reflection, Damon Young – one of the School of Education’s doctoral students – discusses his experience of growing-up knowingly gay in mainstream education and the need for better representation on courses, specifically in Higher Education.

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LGBTQI+ Representation in Higher Education

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